Oh man...
Deer, pheasants, ducks, turkeys, geese, squirrels, rabbits, doves and anything else that tastes good. I love the opportunity to get out and be in creation. There is nothing better than an adventure in the woods no matter what you are after. In this blog, I plan to share stories of the ways that I have screwed up hunting and also the lessons that I have learned about it. I don't plan on posting once a week or every other week or anything, I plan on posting when I feel like it. Probably after I go hunting or outdoorsing.
Over the last month I was introduced to pheasant hunting. What a blast! It is so much fun! If you aren't doing it than you need to. you get to walk, talk and shoot. What is better? We had 5 guys, we had 3 guys, we had 2 guys and it seems like 4 or 5 is about perfect. We also had a great bird dog. She was awesome.
This last weekend, we had some interesting things happen. First, the dog grabbed a live bird (hen) that just wouldn't flush. She expired after the dog grabbed her, so we took the bird home and did kind of an autopsy to find out why she wouldn't move. It seems like someone maybe had peppered her and left her. In Nebraska, we shoot roosters only. Easy to see how someone would have left her, but she had a big chunk out of the feathers on one wing and some damage inside. Her insides also smelled awful, so we won't be eating her.
The other thing was that we kind of winged a bird and he went down. As the dog approached him, he got up and ran. We started tracking him and realized that his tracks looked a little strange. We caught a glimpse of him as he gave up and expired just ahead of us. The dog brought him back and we tucked him in the pouch and kept hunting. When we got back to the truck, we looked at his spurs only they weren't there. Nothing. No feet, no nothing. No wonder his tracks looked funny.
Over all, through the month of January, we had many reasons to thank the Lord. I shot my first couple of birds and gained some great new hunting buddies. Our travels to and from have been interesting to say the least, but they wound up safe and injury free. My kids love to see the birds come home and together we make sure that we thank the Lord for the animals that we were given. We are blessed beyond reason. '
I think that now we are moving into shed hunting and turkey time! Woohoo! I am sure that you will hear from me soon.
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